"This life is what you make it ... and always, always, always believe in yourself ... and most importantly, keep smiling, because life's a beautiful thing and there's so much to smile about." Marilyn Monroe
Marilyn Monroe. She was BEAUTIFUL! Inside and out. She was truly an icon. TRULY. There are a lot of people I look up to and I think lived a phenomenal, positive life. She is one. There are a few particular figure or bikini girls and fitness models I look up to. There are a couple people in my personal life I look up to as well, one being my cousin. Gosh, she's amazing. She is really living her dreams and goals. She's doing wonderful things to help others, she's traveled and had amazing adventures, she's married the man she adores and who absolutely adores her, she makes time to keep in touch with everyone important to her, she's hilarious, she's positive, she's so darn strong, and most of all, she's happy. TRULY happy. I admire her in most every sense of the word. (Thank you B!) Everyone has people they look up to and people that help motivate them to believe that they really can make their hopes, dreams, goals, and ideas become their reality. Feed off of these positive people in your life, let them help you be that positive person in someone else's life.
"I don't understand why people aren't a litte more generous with each other." Marilyn Monroe
Let's be a little kinder to each other. Believe it or not, we're actually all in this together, regardless of your passion and the way you live your life. Be the glass-is-half-full person. It'll really make your life a happy one.
Who do you look up to? Who is that positive person in your life? Who's life do you effect in that positive way? I'd love to hear!