Well I was wrong! And I'm so glad I was!! It's a winter wonderland here! I worked 3p-11p in the ER last night. Luckily, I have the best boyfriend in the world who happens to have a fantastic Jeep that he can lift and has 4x4. WOO! He drove me to work, and while I was there, he and my brother spent the 8 hours helping people get unstuck from the main roads - mercedes, jaguars, even SEMI trucks! They came to get me at 11pm, and by then, the doc and a bunch of nurses had to sleep at the hospital. YUCK! We drove one of my co-workers home, and then helped a few other people un-stick themselves from main roads FILLED with snow. The winds were upwards of 60mph and by then we had already gotten a good foot of snow. We DEFINITELY got the two feet they predicted! We have had 6-8ft snow drifts all over the place! After I did a home workout - not easy btw ... high intensity cardio & strength training ... I LOVE Bodyrock.tv!! we went outside b/c my boyfriend and I were going to go dig ourselves out and go to the gym. Four hours later ... here I am =P. We spent 4 hours shoveling and snowblowing and helping out neighbors.
The cars were buried!
It's SO incredible to see the ENTIRE neighborhood come together and help eachother out! We all helped eachother get everyones' cars dug out, get their sidewalks and driveways cleared, and helped a few of the older peoples' houses do everything since they weren't even able to open the door to get outside! What a wonderful feeling. Sometimes I want to move to a small town and sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong decade because I love that home town feel where everyone really cares about one another and does everything they can to help eachother out, and today ... our neighborhood was like that. People bringing hot cocoa out for one another, helping eachother dig out 6+ feet of snow. What wonderful people! I LOVED it. And a bonus ... burned a TON of calories out there =].
My boyfriend, me, and my brother with our neighbor and his son!
Now my boyfriend and brother are helping dig out one more of our elderly neighbors' driveways, cars, and sidewalks, and I'm cooking them "breakfast" at 330pm! Toasted bagels with egg, cheese, and bacon. Egg white omelet for me! DELICIOUS! I'll make some hot cocoa too. I love these days, all warm inside with the fireplace and hot cocoa and beautiful outside with the snowdrifts ... literally my own winter wonderland! I need to move to alaska =P!
Pretty snow covered trees!
I hope you enjoy some of the pictures from the winter wonderland!
My snow angel =]
Stay warm and enjoy the time with the ones you love!
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